Foreign Titles

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This charts the known foreign episode titles given to the New Series stories by the four major languages, with the translation of any title that strays significantly from the original English noted in brackets. (Other foreign translations of tiles can be found linked in the 'Notes section of the main table.)

Christopher Eccleston

Series 1

Ten stories, 13 episodes

English French German Italian Spanish
Rose Rose Rose Rose Rose
The End of the World La Fin du Monde Das Ende der Welt La Fine del Mondo El Fin del Mundo
The Unquiet Dead Des Morts Inassouvies (The Unhappy Dead) Die Rastlosen Toten (The Restless Dead) I Morti Inquieti Los Muertos Inquietos
Aliens of London (1) L'Humanité en Peril (Humanity in Peril) Aliens in London Alieni a Londra (1) Alienígenas en Londres (1)
World War Three (2) La Troisième Guerre Mondiale Der Dritte Weltkrieg Alieni a Londra (2) Tercera Guerra Mundial
Dalek Dalek Dalek Dalek Dalek
The Long Game Un Jeu Interminable Langzeitstrategie (Long Term Strategy) La Lunga Partita Una Jugada Larga
Father's Day Fête des Pères Vatertag Il Padre de Rose (Rose's Father) El Día del Padre
The Empty Child (1) Drôles de Morts (Strange Death) Das Leere Kind Il Bambino Vuoto (1) El Niño Vacio
The Doctor Dances (2) Le Docteur Danse Der Doktor Tanzt Il Bambino Vuoto (2) El Doctor Baila
Boom Town L'Explosion de Cardiff (The Explosion of Cardiff) Der Spalt (The Rift) Citta'esplosiva (City Explodes) Explosión en la Ciudad (Exlosion in the City)
Bad Wolf (1) Le Grand Méchant Loup (The Big Bad Wolf) Böser Wolf Padroni Dell'universo (1) (Masters of the Universe) Lobo Malo
The Parting of the Ways (2) A la Croisée des Chemins (At the Crossroads) Getrennte Wege (Separate Ways) Padroni Dell'universo (2) (Masters of the Universe) La Despedida

David Tennant

Series 2 - 4, Specials

37 stories, 39 regular episodes, seven Specials

English French German Italian Spanish
The Christmas Invasion (S) L'Invasion de Noël Die Weihnachtsinvasion The Christmas Invasion La Invasión en Navidad
New Earth Une Nouvelle Terre Die Neue Erde La vendetta di Cassandra (The Revenge of Cassandra) Nueva Tierra
Tooth and Claw Un Loup-Garou Royal (A Royal Werewolf) Mit Zähnen und Klauen (With Teeth and Claws) L'impero del Lupo (The Empire of the Wolf) Dientes y Garras
School Reunion A L'école des Retrouvailles Klassentreffen Una Vecchia Amica (An Old Friend) Reunión Escolar
The Girl in the Fireplace La Cheminée du Temps (The Fireplace of Time) Das Mädchen im Kamin Finestre nel Tempo (Windows in Time) La Chica en la Chimenea
Rise of the Cybermen (1) Le Règne des Cybermen (1) (The Reign of the Cybermen) Die Auferstehung der Cybermen (The Resurrection of the Cybermen) L'ascesa dei Cyber-Uomini (1) La Ascensión de los Cybermen
The Age of Steel (2) Le Règne des Cybermen (2) (The Reign of the Cybermen) Die Ära des Stahls L'ascesa dei Cyber-Uomini (2) La Edad del Acero
The Idiot's Lantern L'hystérique de L'étrange Lucarne (The Hysteria of the Strange Skylight) Die Glotze (The Telly) La Trasmittente (The Wire) La Caja Tonta (The Idiot Box)
The Impossible Planet (1) La Planète du Diable (1) (The Planet of the Devil) Der Unmögliche Planet L'abisso di Satana (1) (The Abyss of the Devil) El Planeta Imposible
The Satan Pit (2) La Planète du Diable (2) (The Planet of the Devil) Der Höllenschlund (The Abyss) L'abisso di Satana (2) (The Abyss of the Devil) El Foso de Satán
Love & Monsters L.I.N.D.A. Liebe & Monster Sulle Tracce del Mito (On the Trails of the Myth) Amor y Monstruos
Fear Her Londres 2012 (London 2012) Fürchtet Sie! (Fear You!) La Disegnatrice (The Drawer) Temedla
Army of Ghosts (1) L'armée des Ombres (Army of Shadows) Die Armee der Geister L'esercito dei Fantasmi (1) () El Ejército de los Fantásmas
Doomsday (2) Adieu Rose Weltuntergang L'esercito dei Fantasmi (2) () El Día del Juicio Final (The Day of Final Judgement)
The Runaway Bride (S) Le Mariage de Noël ? La Sposa Perfetta (The Perfect Bride) Novia a la Fuga
Smith and Jones La Loi des Judoon (The Law of the Judoon) ? Alieni sulla Luna (Aliens on the Moon) Smith y Jones
The Shakespeare Code Peines d'amour Gagnées (Love's Labours Won) ? Il Codice Shakespeariano El Código Shakespeare
Gridlock L'embouteillage Sans Fin (The Traffic Jam without End) ? L'ingorgo (The Traffic Jam) Atasco (Jam)
Daleks in Manhattan (1) L'expérience Finale (The Final Experiment) ? L'evoluzione dei Daleks (1) Daleks en Manhattan
Evolution of the Daleks (2) DGM: Dalek Génétiquement Modifié (Dalek Genetic Modification) ? L'evoluzione dei Daleks (2) La Evolución de los Daleks
The Lazarus Experiment L'expérience Lazarus ? L'esperimento Lazarus El Experimento Lázarus
42 Brûle Avec Moi (Burn With Me) ? Impatto Solare (Solar Impact) 42
Human Nature (1) La Famille de Sang (The Family of Blood) ? Natura Umana (1) Naturaleza Humana
The Family of Blood (2) Smith, la Montre et le Docteur (Smith, the Watch and the Doctor) ? Natura Umana (2) La Familia de Sangre
Blink Les Anges Pleureurs (The Weeping Angels) ? Colpo D'occhio (Blink of the Eye) Parpadeo
Utopia Utopia ? Utopia Utopia
The Sound of Drums (1) Qui Tapent les Tambours (Who Bangs the Drums) ? Il Suono dei Tamburi El Sonido de los Tambores
Last of the Time Lords (2) Le dernier Seigneur du Temps (The Last Time Lord) ? L'ultimo Signore del Tempo (The Last Time Lord) El Último de los Señores del Tiempo
Voyage of the Damned (S) Une Croisière Autours de la Terre (A Cruise Around the Earth) ? Il Viaggio dei Dannati El Viaje de los Condenados
Partners in Crime Le Retour de Donna Noble (The Return of Donna Noble) ? Adipose Industries Compañeros en el Crimen
The Fires of Pompeii La Chute de Pompéi (The Fall of Pompeii) ? Le Fiamme di Pompei Los Fuegos de Pompeya
Planet of the Ood Le Chant des Oods (The Song of the Ood) ? La Canzone degli Ood (Song of the Ood) El Planeta de los Ood
The Sontaran Stratagem (1) ATMOS (1) ? Lo Stratagemma di Sontaran La Estratagema Sontaran
The Poison Sky (2) ATMOS (2) ? Il Cielo Avvelenato El Cielo Envenenado
The Doctor's Daughter La Fille du DOcteur ? La Figlia del Dottore La Hija del Doctor
The Unicorn and the Wasp Agatha Christie Mène L'enquète (Agatha Christie Conducts the Investigation) ? Un Caso per Agatha Christie (A Case for Agatha Christie) El Unicornio y la Avispa
Silence in the Library (1) Bibliothèque des Ombres (1) (Library of Shadows) ? Le Ombre Assassine (The Shadow Killer) Silencio en la Biblioteca
Forest of the Dead (2) Bibliothèque des Ombres (2) (Library of Shadows) ? Frammenti di Memoria (Fragments of Memory) El Bosque de los Muertos
Midnight Un Passager de Trop (One Passenger Too Many) ? Mezzanotte Medianoche
Turn Left Le Choix de Donna (Donna's Choice) ? Gira a Sinistra Gira a la Izquierda
The Stolen Earth (1) La Terre Volée ? La Terra Rubata La Tierra Robada
Journey's End (2) La Fin du Voyage ? La Fine del Viaggio El Final del Viaje
The Next Doctor (S) Cyber Noël (Cyber Christmas) ? Un Altro Doctor (Another Doctor) El Siguiente Doctor
Planet of the Dead (S) Planète Morte (Dead Planet) ? Il Pianeta dei Morti El Planeta de los Muertos
The Waters of Mars (S) La Conquête de Mars (The Conquest of Mars) ? L'acqua di Marte Las Aguas de Marte
The End of Time 1-2 (S) La Prophétie de Noël (The Christmas Prophecy) ? La Fine del Tempo El Fin del Tiempo

Matt Smith

Series 5 -


English French German Italian Spanish
The Eleventh Hour Le Prisonnier Zéro (Prisoner Zero) Fönf vor Zwölf (Five to Twelve) L'undicesima Ora En el Ultimo Momento (At the Last Moment)
The Beast Below La Bête des Bas-Fonds (The Beast Underneath) Der Sternenwal (The Star Whale) La Bestia di Sotto La Bestia de Abajo
Victory of the Daleks La Victoire des Daleks Sieg der Daleks L'arma di Churchill (The Weapon of Churchill) La Victoria de los Daleks
The Time of Angels (1) Le Labyrinthe des Anges (1) (The Labyrinth of the Angels) Zeit der Engel Il Tempo degli Angeli El Tiempo de los Ángeles
Flesh and Stone (2) Le Labyrinthe des Anges (2) (The Labyrinth of the Angels) Herz aus Stein (Heart of Stone) Carne e Pietra Carne y Piedra
The Vampires of Venice Les Vampires de Venise Die Vampire von Venedig I Vampiri di Venezia (Vampires in Venice) Los Vampiros de Venecia
Amy's Choice Le Seigneur des Rêves (The Lord of Dreams) Amy's Entscheidung La Scelta di Amy La Elección de Amy
The Hungry Earth (1) La Révolte des Intra-Terrestres (1) (The Revolt of the Under-Earthlings) Hungrige Erde La Civilta' Sepolta (The Buried Civilisation) La Tierra Hambrienta
Cold Blood (2) La Révolte des Intra-Terrestres (2) (The Revolt of the Under-Earthlings) Kaltblütig (In Cold Blood) Sangue Freddo Sangre Fría
Vincent and the Doctor Vincent et le Docteur Vincent und der Doctor Vincent e il Dottore Vincent y el Doctor
The Lodger Le Colocataire (The Roommate) Der Untermieter (The Sub-Tenant) Il Coinquilino (The Roommate) El Inquilino (The Tenant)
The Pandorica Opens (1) La Pandorica S'ouvre (1) Die Pandorica La Pandorica si Apre La Pandórica se Abre
The Big Bang (2) La Pandorica S'ouvre (2) Der Große Knall Il Big Bang El Big Bang
A Christmas Carol (S) Le Fantôme Des Noëls Passés (The Ghost of Christmases Past) Fest der Liebe (Festival of Love) Un Canto di Natale Un Cuento de Navidad
The Impossible Astronaut (1) L'Impossible Astronaute (1) Der Astronaut, Den Es Nie Gab (The Astronaut Who Never Was) L'astronauta Impossibile El Astronauta Imposible
Day of the Moon (2) L'Impossible Astronaute (2) Tag des Mondes (Day of Worlds) Il Giorno della Luna El Dia de la Luna
The Curse of the Black Spot La Marque Noire Der Fluch des Schwarzen Mals (… Black Mark) La Maledizione della Macchia Nera La Maldición del Punto Negro
The Doctor's Wife L'Âme du TARDIS (The Soul of the TARDIS) Die Frau des Doktors La Moglie del Dottore La Mujer del Doctor
The Rebel Flesh (1) La Chair Vivante (1) (The Living Flesh) Gieriges Fleisch (Greedy Flesh) La Carne Ribelle La Carne Rebelde
The Almost People (2) La Chair Vivante (2) (The Living Flesh) Homo Sapiens La Quasi Persone Las Casi-Personas
A Good Man Goes to War La Retraite Du Démon (Demon's Run) Demons Run Un Uomo Buono va in Guerra (A Good Man is at War) Un Hombre Bueno va a la Guerra
Let's Kill Hitler ? Gegen die Zeit (Against Time) Uccidiamo Hitler (Kill Hitler) Matemos a Hitler
Night Terrors ? Nacht der Angst (Night of Terror) Terrori Notturni Terrores Nocturnos
The Girl Who Waited ? Warten in der Ewigkeit (Waiting in Eternity) La Ragazza che ha Aspettato La Chica que Esperó
The God Complex ? Götterspeise (God Food) Il Complesso di Dio El Complejo de Dios
Closing Time ? Zeit zu Gehen (Time to Go) Orario di Chiusura Hora de Cerrar
The Wedding of River Song ? Hochzeits-Song (Wedding Song) Il Matrimonio di River Song La Boda de River Song
The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe (S) Sternenhimmel (Starry Sky) Il Dottore, la Vedova e il Guardaroba El Doctor, la Viuda y el Armario

To be continued…