Live from Atlanta

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The Doctor Who USA Tour with Jon Pertwee stopped at the Mercer University in Macon, Georgia on 7-8 March 1987.

"Live from Atlanta! Dr. Who Celebration and Tour" was a six-hour live broadcast from the university airing on GPT from 6pm until midnight on 7 March. Eric Luskin (from New Jersey Network) hosted the event, and interviewed Pertwee and Brian Sloman from BBC Enterprises / Lionheart.

The first Colin Baker story The Twin Dilemma was screened at 9.00pm as a special prelude to Season 22, which commenced on GPT two weeks later.

As a special treat, Luskin and Pertwee were also joined by John Nathan-Turner and newly-cast seventh Doctor Sylvester McCoy, who were in Atlanta that weekend for the Whovian Festival Tour convention.

McCoy, Pertwee, Nathan-Turner interviewed by Eric Luskin part 1

McCoy, Pertwee, Nathan-Turner interviewed by Eric Luskin part 2
Live from Atlanta, 7 March 1987
Macon Telegraph and News, Mar. 1, 1987